Survival kit: first day on the job

This is an actual survival kit: what should you bring on your first day of job, and how to prepare. A step by step guide.

  1. Sleep well if you can. I am generally an axious person, so usully I don’t. Anyway, sleep well, if you can.
  2. Dress well. I usually choose a shirt with jeans, or a polo shirt with jeans. It depends on the dress code too.
  3. Pen and paper to take notes. There will be lots of information. I have difficulty to remember every name at once, however, I found that it makes no sense to write them all down.
  4. Coffee, tea or any legal stimulant that you are addicted to. Unless I forget, I bring a coffee in a bottle. I drink a lot of them, but different companies have different ceremonies around coffee. Sometimes you have to go another building to buy a cup, sometimes you have to bring your own capsule, sometimes coffee means 30 mins of chitchat. I however, need coffee to avoid the migraine, so I bring it in a bottle, mixed with lactosefree milk.
  5. Snacks. Their lunch schedule might be different than yours. Paying attention and getting hungry, that is a bad combination. I know lot of people who are happy with 3 big meals a day. I on, the other hand, eat often, and eat a little. If I bring apples, then I’ll have healthy snacks. Otherwise I would buy chocolate bars. I think it’s also fine to bring sandwiches.
  6. A book to read. There can be lot of time off, while they are finding the paperwork, givinig you your computer, activating all your accounts. So bring a book, or anything else that lets you quietly kill some time.

If I missed something, please let me know in comments.

About tamasrev

Java bugrammer, reader, writer. Father, sometimes mother.
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